0141 331 1144 (24 hours)
180 Hope St, Glasgow G2 2UE

Brian Cooney

Brian CooneyPartner & Solicitor Advocate

Brian is a Solicitor Advocate with rights of audience in the High Court and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council. He has over 12 years experience in litigation and currently specialises in Family Law and crime. Brian has an interest in dealing with all areas of family law, including divorce, contact, residence disputes and children’s hearings.

Brian regularly conducts child welfare hearings, proofs, and social work referrals at sheriff courts throughout Scotland and took part in the first ever virtual family proof in a Scottish Sheriff Court. He has extensive criminal law experience and has represented countless people in summary and solemn trials across Scotland.

Brian receives excellent feedback from clients and enjoys working with them closely to achieve the best outcome for their circumstances. He has developed good relationships with other colleagues in court. He particularly enjoys dealing with complex litigation, including high value divorce matters and regularly instructs counsel in the Court of Session.

Brian was chosen by the Sheriff Principal in Glasgow to be a Child Welfare Reporter on account of his experience and expertise in dealing with family law cases. This requires him to meet with children to obtain their views on questions of contact or residence and to prepare a report for the court with a recommendation as to where a child should live or how much contact they should have with each parent. 

He has also been appointed Curator ad Litem to the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland and has a good understanding of dealing with clients with mental health issues.

Outside the office, he is a member of the Glasgow and West of Scotland branch of the Scottish Association for the Study of Offending. This involves organising training and events for lawyers, social workers, police officers and other professionals.

He has for many years acted as a volunteer solicitor for the Scottish Child Law Centre, a charity assisting with legal enquires from children and young people throughout Scotland.

Brian enjoys travelling, eating out, football and spending time with his young family.

Contact bc@flemingandreid.co.uk.
